Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Fun

On Friday night our church ward had a Halloween party. There was tons of games, food and we made a cake for the cake walk (see below). Linken had a great time and even better time trick-or-treating on Halloween. At first he wasn't sure about the whole going up to stranger and accepting treats but he soon caught on and would grab for the candy himself sometimes taking two handfuls and then would turn and run...haha The neighbors loved his costume and said he was the littlest trick-or-treator out. The funniest part was that he is dressed like Chewbaca but walked like an Ewok. We all had a blast!

(don't you love Troy's last minute costume)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Troy and I had some fun carving pumpkins for our Family Home Evening. It sure took us a while to carve our pumpkins but we enjoyed the challenge and it had been years since either of us had carved a pumpkin. So I think it's obvious who carved which one... and if my creation is making you tilt your head in wonder here is the original design.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Linken

Linken had his 1st birthday last week. On Saturday we had a little party for the birthday boy. He had so much fun playing with all his friends, balls, a parachute, eating cake and opening presents. It was a wonderful day!

Halloween Party

Troy had a Halloween work party at a local farm here in town. We had lots of fun and Linken got to have many "first" time experiences.

Hay Ride

Big Pink Slide

Pony Ride

Pumpkin Patch

Thursday, September 24, 2009

100% Mobile

Linken is walking! We are having so much fun with him. Watch how he walks with his arms in the air...too cute!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Privileged to Call You Friend

A dear friend, Amanda Gunter, past away this weekend. Amanda was 5 months pregnant when she passed on Friday and she leaves behind a husband and a beautiful little girl. I have not found the words adequate enough to share with you all about this amazing woman. However, Sarah has a beautiful post about Amanda on her blog and I would strongly urge you all to read it. We mourn the loss of our dear friend but are comforted by the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know that she will be reunited with her husband and sweet baby girl one day.

Amanda, thank you for being my friend and touching the lives of my family. We love you and you will not be forgotten.

Levin and Ansley, you are in our hearts and prayers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Never a Dull Moment

Linken started walking last week!! He will go from person to person or to and from the couch so we are not 100% mobile on foot but super close. I'm working on getting a good video of him walking and will post it once I get it.

Also here is a list of cute things Linken will do when you say the word:
High 5
Give Kisses
Blow a Kiss
Wave Bye Bye
Linken can also say mama, dada, nana, cah (cat) and pooh (poop).

We love seeing his progression every day and there is never a dull moment at our house. Love being parents, love it!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Trip to Monterey,CA

Linken, Troy, my dad and I took a little (12 hour) road trip to visit my sister and her family. Linken was a great traveler and didn't have any problems, thanks to Baby Einstein and a portable dvd player. Here are some of the fun things we did; Monterey Bay Aquarium, Cannery Row, Ghiradelli Chocolate Ice Cream Parlor, Fisherman's Wharf, saw tons of harbor seals and giant jellyfish in the bay, Big Sur, Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, yummy food in Carmel including a trip to Lula's, celebrated my sister's bday and lots of cousin fun for Linken and Halle. We had a great time and thanks to my big sis for letting us visit!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

10 months and growing...

Linken turned 10 months this month. We have a very busy on-the-go little man. He just loves being mobile and keeps us running after him. Anything he can hold onto is used as a prop to get him standing and walking around. Linken has fun pushing his little Tonka truck around the house. He has also gotten in his two front upper teeth (4 altogether now).

(not the cutest pic but it was the only one that I could get to show his top two teeth)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bumps, Bruises and Boo Boos

Linken started crawling last Monday and has figured out how to stand up on his own. So now we are dealing with little boo boos every day from him falling and bumping his little baby head, arm, get the picture. We are so loving this phase in his life and his new found freedom. The funniest part is that he will crawl the farthest distance and longest amount of time only to chase the cat. And the best part is waking up in the morning or getting Linken up from a nap to see his face staring right back at me. It makes me laugh every time. Below is a picture of him just after he woke from a nap so excuse the hair and stylish outfit :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 Year Anniversary

It has been a wonderful two years being married to Troy. He is my best friend and an amazing husband and father. I look forward to the many years ahead and the adventures we get to share together. I love you Troy!

(the sun was in our eyes so ignore Troy's scowl)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First Hair Cut

Linken had his first official hair cut this week. About 5 minutes into it he started acting like we were torturing him and the big alligator tears began to flow so we decided to try again later. So he might be a little lopsided ;)

Quick Stats: Linken is now 9 months, 20 lbs and 27 inches.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Thank You

A special Thank You to all those who are serving or have served our country to defend our families, liberty and freedom.

My Grandfather: Army
My Father: Navy
My Brother-in-Law: Marines

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
~Elmer Davis

4th of July Parade

Linken was in his first parade Saturday morning in celebration of the 4th of July. Troy and my mom decorated a wagon for him to ride in during the parade. He loved being in the wagon and watching the kids all around him. Later that day we went swimming at my uncles and then had a delicious bbq followed by fireworks before Linken went to bed. After he was asleep we set off the rest of our fireworks with the company of my family and neighbors. Hope you all had a fun and safe 4th of July.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Days Gone By

I've been really bad about taking pictures lately. So here are some fun shots I took today. It was such a beautiful day.

"Make sure you get my good side"

"Are we done yet?"

"Thanks for looking at my pics. Thumbs up, baby"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New additionS to the Burciaga and Ryan family

Congrats to my sister, brother-in-law, other brother-in-law and sister-in-law!

Within the past 2 days we have found out that Linken will be getting 2 new cousins. My sister is pregnant with her second child and Troy's brother and wife, Greg and Michelle, are having their first baby! Both are only a few weeks prego so looks like March/April will be a busy month.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Father's Day
We had a very nice Father's Day filled with breakfast, church and dinner at my Aunt's house. Below are some candid shots of Linken while trying to keep him entertained at my Aunt's house.

Look at those little baby teeth!

Bday Party
My dad's bday was the day after Father's Day. We celebrated by going to the Sykart Indoor Racing Center and then my parents went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. After dinner they brought home cheesecake so we could sing and open presents.

Happy Birthday Dad!