Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mohawk mania

Troy decided to give Linken a new hair style today. Linken was having fun at first but by the end of the photo shoot he wasn't sure if the new style was right for him.


About us . . . said...

Linken's faces are absolutely priceless. Each one has him strongly expressing opinion. LOVE IT! Austin can reach the top of the kitchen sink (on his toes) and always steals my sponge now. Thank you for always thinking of us . We are always hoping for the best for you guys too. You seriously are the greatest friend ever! It must be marvelous being at home with baby. You look amazing in your photos.

Em Levy {orange + barrel} said...

He has so much hair!!! I am so glad that you are doing the Skinny B diet too! I am going to have to get one of the cook books for sure. Did you cut out meat all together?

Anonymous said...

Lol. The first one: is soooo YOU!!!
but I definitely love the last one the best.

Troy, Tami, Linken and Pierson said...

Yes, I've cut out all meat, dairy, animal products and refined sugar. I'm 5 lbs away from pre-prego but 10 lbs away from pre-marriage...haha So far I've lost 45 lbs in 6 months.

P.S. when you get prego...dont get fat! (you know what I mean)

Five Bresees said...

I love that last picture!! He's so cute!